How Do You Allow Yourself to Feel...Without Creating Stories, Fantasizing, or Judging Yourself?

The 2 most common states my students suffer in are :

1. Overthinking/overanalyzing usually resulting in debilitating fear

2. Lack of self-trust because choosing consistency feels so dang hard

Each student who chooses this work with me has experienced their fair share of emotional or physical trauma.

And has a HUGE desire to move beyond the trauma responses and into creating a new way of life.

Maybe you feel this way too?

The way you practice allowing yourself to feel without the stories is by learning to catch yourself in the stories, fantasies & judgmental thinking of your mind.

When you hear yourself saying things like:

“This isn’t working anymore..”

"Why aren't all the books, podcasts, and therapy sessions helping me create a new way of life?"

When something feels like it’s not fully clicking it is usually because you are in your head instead of your body.

You see the pattern in your relationships, in your business and you probably feel something in your body…

You may notice you feel like the other shoe is going to drop at any time and things are too good to be true.

Or you simply continue to avoid sensation in your body and therefore shy away from hard conversations.

You could be feeling guilty about the boundaries you are creating in your relationships and overexplaining all of your choices.

I remember witnessing myself (and sometimes still do) play out these patterns and seeing myself do the things and thinking to myself, what the heck am I saying right now?

That is what can feel so confusing you probably have the awareness of what needs to be shifted, you have read the books and listened to podcasts, and you are AWARE...

and still, part of you is struggling to understand why you keep behaving in these ways and you are trying to think your way through it.

Truthfully I was afraid part of me wanted to transcend and live in a new way but deep down there was a lot of SENSATION in my body I was ignoring.

This sensation in my body resulted in my mind telling me all kinds of fear-based stories about all the terrible things that would happen if I held my boundaries with my parents (for instance).

The story said... it's too scary, you will be alone forever.

The beautiful thing about transforming your life is that being fearless isn’t a requirement.

If you’re like me, you're done running.

You want to feel safe in your body to stay & be with the sensation & dissolve the pattern of overthinking & overanalyzing.

You're invited to join us for a year-long experience with Roots.

Roots is the foundations my students practice moment to moment to create a new way of life.

Roots is for you if within the year you want to:

  • Receive compliments with a thank you and a sense of feeling seen, heard, and felt

  • Complete projects on your list and celebrate yourself without guilt in a community built in trust

  • Feel grounded and brave in your communication and open to all of the outcomes

  • Get CLEAR and unwavering on what you need & desire & how to ask for it & be it for yourself.

Please Check Out All The Details for ROOTS HERE.


You Will Not Receive the Love You Desire Without Vulnerability and Trust


The High Cost of Resentment