The High Cost of Resentment

Holding resentment and carrying it requires so much energy from your mind, your body, and spirit. It drains your life force out of your body. 

While resentment is draining out of your body, your mind is simultaneously getting a hit of dopamine from it.

Resentment feels righteous. 

Resentment blocks receptivity. 

Because resentment is so heavy and energetically expensive. It requires so much energy that you feel drained from holding so much of it. You are constantly chasing the satisfaction of being right and chasing that dopamine hit. So much so resentment can become addicting and a pattern of escape. When we are getting these dopamine hits of holding a grudge then you literally can not see your part because it fogs the brain and you can’t think straight. 

What is trust?

Choosing what you feel is important and vulnerable to you with another person’s actions or behaviors. 

Vulnerability can’t flow with you are holding onto resentment. This causes a collapse in your nervous system. After all the dopamine hits or being angry and holding onto it so tight, it requires so much energy that at one point your animal body collapses and goes all the way down the ladder to collapse and freeze. 

The most expensive nervous system state is freeze.

It takes so much energy to get out of freeze. 

Freeze is one of the most common places people get stuck in because you get such a high and then such a low. You begin to think it’s normal and there’s no other way to live. You keep repeating the same pattern over and over again and say it’s just life but it’s not. There is so much more to life than the low lows and the high highs. So much more to life than being right and more to life than a dopamine hit.

My body of work, Regroovin™  is all about creating a sustainable way of life. A lot of people would call it boring when they aren’t getting the high highs and the low lows. They sometimes end up saying ‘Let me go slip on a banana peel and create some drama.’ 

If you would like to listen to my full video on ‘The High Cost of Resentment,’ please click here.


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