You Will Not Receive the Love You Desire Without Vulnerability and Trust

Yesterday, I was sitting with a friend I've known for over 15 years at the Golden Gate Bridge.

The sunshine shining on our faces, the epic Pacific Ocean in front of us, the bay to the right of us.

The moment was so gorgeous.

While talking, she started to cry as she shared with me her frustration with her partner & her life.

Her nervous system felt so safe unraveling the truth with me of what keeps her feeling claustrophobic in her partnership and trapped in frustration.

She so badly wants to feel ease, flow, and love with her partner but...for years they held back the truth from each other and now it feels incredibly hard to be vulnerable and begin a repair process.

Her go-to survival behaviors (which make sense) have become control and self-efficacy.

Can you relate to using control or self-efficacy to guard you against the vulnerable desires of your heart?

I know I can.

Although the behaviors of being in control, self-sufficient, and busy finding bits of love in other places in your life...

they are also the same behaviors that make you feel exhausted, burnt out, and unsatisfied in all of your relationships.

…Especially the relationship with yourself.

Okay, Amy, I get it, but how in the world do I change my behaviors of control and being totally self-sufficient?

The short answer is creating nervous system flexibility.

You will NEVER be able to practice vulnerability without feeling safe in your body.

You won't feel safe to practice taking the risk of being vulnerable without feeling able to hold more sensation and emotion in your body.

I know this because, if I did not learn to do this for myself, I would be dead.

It sounds dramatic and it's the absolute truth.

Listen, what you desire, the love you crave and long for, the relationships, business, and life you want to create is possible.

But, if you are unwilling to practice it probably won’t happen in your lifetime.

I say this to you in service to love, because love is the truth.

If you're ready to begin this journey, I invite you to join me for Cultivate Trust.

Cultivate Trust is an interactive experience designed to guide you to feel & understand the biggest thing that keeps you from trusting yourself and feeling stuck in your life.

And yes, a map to start living differently.

Ready to learn more? Click here for all of the details and to join me now.


Listen to My Latest Podcast! Cultivating Intimacy Through Self-Awareness.


How Do You Allow Yourself to Feel...Without Creating Stories, Fantasizing, or Judging Yourself?