Do you fear conflict?

If you find yourself overwhelmed with intense sensations in your stomach, heart & throat that stop you from speaking your mind, holding boundaries, and going for the thing you want most...

Did you know,, bargaining with yourself on what you value is a survival strategy to avoid conflict rooted in a fear of being abandoned or rejected?

An example of what it looks like in your life is when:

You are in a tough situation with your partner, your parent, a friend, or someone at work comes up, and find yourself doing anything to just get through it to avoid the discomfort & fear in your body.

✨ You find yourself saying words that you don't mean.

✨ Making a promise that you can't deliver.

✨ Secretly hoping someone or something will save you from the conflict...

Just to avoid the discomfort of the stressful situation.

Are you feeling the words you are reading,, do you see yourself behaving in these ways to avoid conflict?

It totally makes sense, you make sense.


This survival strategy is creating inflammation and yucky ruminating thought loops of not good enough thinking and guilt in your body, mind and spirit. 

The solution here is so simple...yet so sensational

It's learning to tell the simple truth from moment to moment. It is an opportunity to build more trust from within.

And guess what it takes... yes you got it getting to know your nervous system and attuning your system to hold more sensation. 

Once you train your system to hold more sensation you will have no use for this reactionary behavior of avoidance or defensiveness.

What I know from thousands of hours teaching trust is without your nervous system on board, you will avoid vulnerability and you will struggle to trust.

It takes practice.

Cultivate Trust is an interactive experience designed to guide you to feel & understand the biggest thing that keeps you from trusting yourself and feeling stuck in your life.

And yes, a map to start living differently.

Ready to learn more? Click here for all of the details and to join me now.

Practicing beside you,



How To Recognize When You’re TRUSTING Yourself ❤️